X Ray Procedures

X Ray Procedures


An intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is a diagnostic test that uses X-ray imaging and a contrast dye to examine the urinary tract.


HSP can stand for Highly Sensitive Person, a term used to describe people who are more sensitive to their environment and the feelings of others. HSPs may have a heightened sensitivity to emotions, sensory experiences, or both.

Barium Studies

A barium study is an imaging test that uses barium sulfate, a white powder that shows up on x-rays, to examine the digestive tract.


An integrated circuit (IC) that controls device operations and specific systems. It's also called a one chip computer or a micom because it acts like a small computer. An MCU is a key chip that acts as the brain of an electronic device, controlling various features in a product, from simple to complex functions.

Lumbo-Sacral Spine AP/Lat

An X-ray of the lumbosacral spine in AP/LAT (anteroposterior/posteroanterior and lateral) views is a test that examines the lower back.

Dorso-Lumbar Spine AP/Lat

A dorso-lumbar spine AP/LAT X-ray is an imaging test that shows the bones of the lower back, the discs between them, and the surrounding skin and muscles.